This blog's page rank after Google pr update

August 21, 2011

Google did pr update a couple of weeks back, and it happened last 4th of August, and when I’ve learned about it, I immediately checked my page rank to know if it did increase again, but sadly my pr is still the same.

Actually, when Google did a page rank update last June 27, from pr 0, it became pr 1. And at that time, I’m quite glad since after being a pr 0 for a long time, 6 months to be exact, my pr did increase.

That’s why when I’ve known that there’s another pr update a couple of weeks ago, I’m ecstatic to know if what’s currently the page rank of this blog, and like I said, it still has a pr of 1.

Additionally, I’ve noticed that Google does a pr update every single month already, unlike before that they do it every 3 or 4 months I think.

I’m hoping that by next month, I’ll see an increase again of my blog’s page rank in their next pr update. I’m really wishing that when this blog turns one year old, which is by October of this year, I’m very much hoping that when that moment comes, I’ll be seeing a much higher pr already. Well, I’m really keeping my fingers crossed.

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