The Greatest Thing About Love...

November 14, 2010

Everyone of us needs someone who will make you feel loved whether it is from your family, friends or your partner. Love indeed  is the greatest gift  that God has given to mankind since we have the privilege to feel how wonderful it is to love and be loved in return.
So, what would life be like without love? Absolutely our answer for this is that, life would be meaningless or less colorful. Love  gives us a sense of direction and motivates us to reach our certain goals or dreams in life.

If you are in love,definitely you would say that your life is more colorful and more exciting.You are looking forward to wake up every single day of your life just to be with the person you love. It gives you a  thousands of reasons to live.That is how magical this single word is. It also has  the power to change the whole being of a person for the better.
A person that is deeply in love is definitely the happiest person on earth most especially if they are so blessed to find someone who would truly love them and shower each single day of their lives with love and care, this is the ultimate dream of most girls, to finally find their dream guy, their knight in shining armor.

Hence, if you are in love at this very moment, just enjoy the wonderful feeling with the person you love the most.

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